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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
551 Beach 128 Street Queens Ny
Installation of new attic and roof dorme rs as per plan
Date:  May 27, 2003
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Antonio Iasevoli | Client Address: 551 551 Beach 128th Street Queens Ny 11215 | Client Phone: (718) 945-0919 | Client Company: Na | Permit type: G. C. | Permit id: 401293569
2003/05/272500099551 Beach 128 Street Queens NyStephen Doherty
2812 45 Street Queens Ny
Application filed to convert an existing two family residence to a three family multiple dwelling, to include minor partition and plumbing work, as per plan. No change in use, egress, or bulk.
Date:  October 28, 2005
Value:   $16,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Roman Szkambara | Client Address: 28-12 28-12 45th Street Astoria Ny 11103 | Client Phone: (718) 721-5264 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 401729055
2005/10/2816000992812 45 Street Queens NyStephen Doherty
16404 119 Avenue Queens Ny
Application filed to enlarge and relocate existing kitchen and den on the first floor. In addition, to enlarge two existing bedrooms and attic, with minor plumbing, as per plan. No change in use, egres, or occupancy.
Date:  November 28, 2003
Value:   $43,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Alma Best | Client Address: 164-04 164-04 119th Avenue Jamaica Ny 11434 | Client Phone: (718) 528-3905 | Permit type: Enl | Permit id: 401641924
2003/11/28430009916404 119 Avenue Queens NyStephen Doherty
37 West 93 Street Manhattan Ny
Application filed to renovate an existing apartment, to include minor partition and plumbing work, as per plan. No change in use, egress, occupancy or bulk.
Date:  August 10, 2004
Value:   $18,600
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Ken Akoundi | Client Address: 37 37 West 93rd Street Manhattan Ny 10025 | Client Phone: (212) 981-7420 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103485827
2004/08/10186009937 West 93 Street Manhattan NyStephen Doherty
176a 26 Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed for legalization of extension @ cellar & removal of ecb violations 34508196j & 34508197l; minor partitions no change on use, occupancy or egress.
Date:  April 21, 2006
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Jose Berreto | Client Address: 176a 176a 26th Street Brooklyn Ny 11232 | Client Phone: (917) 972-4624 | Permit type: Enl | Permit id: 302090528
2006/04/21500099176a 26 Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
15 West 16 Road Queens Ny
Application for to combine two tax lots49 and 47 and conversion of exis ting two story building from one to twofamily as per plan.
Date:  November 17, 2005
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Edward Murphy | Client Address: 15 15 West 16 Road Queens Ny 11693 | Client Phone: (718) 634-4921 | Permit type: Gen constructi | Permit id: 402195254
2005/11/17150009915 West 16 Road Queens NyStephen Doherty
730a Macon Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to remove violaton #34492871k, and legalize the interior renovation of existing two family dwelling, installation of non-bearing partitions. No change in use, occupancy or egress.
Date:  April 22, 2005
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Arthur Tucker | Client Address: 730a 730a Macon Street Brooklyn Ny 11233 | Client Phone: (718) 999-9999 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301907015
2005/04/221500099730a Macon Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
121 Noble Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to legalize instllation of non-bearing interior partitions at the basement level and to cure violation # 34542386j. No change to occupancy, use, egress or bulk.
Date:  November 14, 2007
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Eugene Hermanski | Client Address: 121 121 Nobel Street Brooklyn Ny 11222 | Client Phone: (917) 709-6274 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 302269523
2007/11/14600099121 Noble Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
1816 West 8 Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to legalize existing partitions and conditions @ cellar. Also to cap and remove shower stall and gas range @ cellar. Remove violation #34452746p. No change in use occuapncy or egress.
Date:  May 20, 2005
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Vitulli Petrina | Client Address: 1816 1816 West 8th Street Brooklyn Ny 11223 | Client Phone: (718) 999-1212 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301901841
2005/05/2010000991816 West 8 Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
Date:  June 26, 2008
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Armando Berrios | Client Address: 714 714 3 Avenue Brooklyn Ny 11232 | Client Phone: (718) 999-9999 | Client Company: 803 Barbey Llc | Permit id: 301962874
2008/06/26099805 Barbey Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
68 Columbus Avenue Staten Island Ny
Application filed for installation of new wood deck @ rear yard ; no change in use, occupancy or egress.
Date:  June 1, 2005
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Denise Patsakos | Client Address: 68 68 Columbus Avenue Staten Island Ny 10304 | Client Phone: (718) 815-2805 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 500779044
2005/06/0150009968 Columbus Avenue Staten Island NyStephen Doherty
5 Yetman Avenue Staten Island Ny
Application filed for interior renovation work as per plan, and remove violation #34446089n. Bedroom extension 164 sq ft. No change in use, occuapncy or egress.
Date:  April 11, 2005
Value:   $13,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Frank Gagliardi | Client Address: 5 5 Yetman Avenue Staten Island Ny 10357 | Client Phone: (718) 999-2354 | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 500771649
2005/04/1113000995 Yetman Avenue Staten Island NyStephen Doherty
357 Fairbanks Ave Staten Island Ny
Application filed for new wood deck in rear yard as per plan, no change in use, occupancy or egress, occupancy or bulk
Date:  August 22, 2006
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Rae Guzman | Client Address: 357 357 Fairbanks Avenue Staten Island Ny 10306 | Client Phone: (718) 979-8095 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 500796258
2006/08/22500099357 Fairbanks Ave Staten Island NyStephen Doherty
167 Fabian Street Staten Island Ny
Application filed to legalize the horizontal enlargement on the first floor, a nd rear yard deck, as per plan. No change use, egress or occupancy
Date:  November 2, 2009
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Alexander Trombettini | Client Address: 167 167 Fabian Street Staten Island Ny 10312 | Client Phone: (347) 308-0027 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 520008330
2009/11/02350099167 Fabian Street Staten Island NyStephen Doherty
2566 West 15 Street Brooklyn Ny
Horizontal enlargement of an exisitng 1 family dwelling. No change to occupancy, use or egress.
Date:  November 16, 2007
Value:   $23,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Anthony Demauro | Client Address: 2564 2564 West 15th Street Brooklyn Ny 11214 | Client Phone: (718) 812-2022 | Permit type: Enl | Permit id: 310052787
2007/11/1623000992566 West 15 Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
Date:  April 2, 2008
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Danny Melamed | Client Address: 1404 1404 E 92nd St Bklyn Ny 11216 | Client Phone: (718) 999-1212 | Client Company: King Of | Permit id: 302057618
2008/04/02099509 Sheffield Avenue Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
57 West 17 Road Queens Ny
Application filed for a vertical andhorizontal enlargement to an existing one family dwlelling, as perplans no change in use, egress or occupa ncy.
Date:  January 22, 2008
Value:   $80,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Eugene Oreilly | Client Address: 57 57 West 17th Road Broad Channel Ny 11693 | Client Phone: (718) 474-1803 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 402436137
2008/01/22800009957 West 17 Road Queens NyStephen Doherty
Date:  April 2, 2008
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Danny Melamed | Client Address: 1404 1404 E 92nd St Bklyn Ny 11216 | Client Phone: (718) 999-1212 | Client Company: King Of | Permit id: 302057627
2008/04/02099511 Sheffield Avenue Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
8001 12th Avenue Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to erect a one story, one car, masonry garage, as per plan.
Date:  June 13, 2012
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: John Buscaglia | Client Address: 8001 8001 12th Avenue Brooklyn Ny 11228 | Client Phone: (718) 833-4332 | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 320157682
2012/06/130998001 12th Avenue Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
36 West 44th Street Manhattan Ny
Application filed for minor partition work in an existing retail space. No change to occupancy, use, egress or bulk.
Date:  July 16, 2009
Value:   $150,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Sheila Levine | Client Address: 295 295 Madison Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 951-3807 | Client Company: The Bar Building Conduminium | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 110127354
2009/07/161500009936 West 44th Street Manhattan NyStephen Doherty
1848 West 8 Street Brooklyn Ny
Application file to legalize porchand terrace located in the rear yard as per plan no change inoccupancy use or bulk
Date:  June 22, 2007
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Virginia Larosa | Client Address: 1848 1848 West 8th Street Brooklyn Ny 11223 | Client Phone: (718) 996-9831 | Client Company: Na | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 302336782
2007/06/225000991848 West 8 Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
136 Osborn Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to remove existingfloor and minor partition work as per plans field herewith no change is use occupancy or egress
Date:  July 11, 2007
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Russel Feddeli | Client Address: 215-44 215-44 23rd Road Bayside Ny 11356 | Client Phone: (718) 281-4947 | Client Company: Osborn Belmont Properties Llc | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 302341687
2007/07/111500099136 Osborn Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
2472 Cropsey Avenue Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to legalize theconversion of existing two family to three family as per plansfiled herewith. No change in use or bulk.
Date:  August 6, 2008
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Paul Spadaro | Client Address: 2472 2472 Cropsey Avenue Brooklyn Ny 11223 | Client Phone: (718) 273-2729 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 302341179
2008/08/0620000992472 Cropsey Avenue Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
8001 12th Avenue Brooklyn Ny
Application filed in conjunction with nb application dob# 320157682,propose to connect new roof leaders and area drains to new dry-well.
Date:  May 15, 2012
Value:   $1,600
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: John Buscaglia | Client Address: 8001 8001 12th Avenue Brooklyn Ny 11228 | Client Phone: (917) 239-7629 | Client Company: Na | Permit id: 320262611
2012/05/151600998001 12th Avenue Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
176a 26 Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed for interior work to include relocating existing bathroom and kitchens with minor partition and plumbing work, as per plan. No change change in use or egress or bulk.
Date:  February 9, 2005
Value:   $40,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Jose Barreto | Client Address: 176a 176a 26 Street Brooklyn Ny 11232 | Client Phone: (917) 972-4624 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301851663
2005/02/094000099176a 26 Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
64 Columbus Avenue Staten Island Ny
Appication filed for interior renovation of kitchen no change in use, occupancy or egress or bulk
Date:  November 24, 2004
Value:   $9,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Annmarie Mannino | Client Address: 64 64 Columbus Avenue Staten Island Ny 10304 | Client Phone: (718) 273-6983 | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 500738552
2004/11/2490009964 Columbus Avenue Staten Island NyStephen Doherty
20 Bragg Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to remove existing wood deck and build new steel concrete deck. And remove violation #34215868y
Date:  April 4, 2005
Value:   $6,500
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Edward Rozinski | Client Address: 20 20 Bragg Street Brooklyn Ny 11229 | Client Phone: (718) 938-5060 | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 301600783
2005/04/0465009920 Bragg Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty
148 Laredo Avenue Staten Island Ny
Application herewith filed to enlarge ex isting living room,and install new kitchen,with minor plumbing,as per plan. No change in use,occupancy or egres s.
Date:  July 22, 2003
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Larry Almanza | Client Address: 148 148 Laredo Avenue Si Ny 10312 | Client Phone: (718) 948-1692 | Permit type: Enlargement | Permit id: 500608531
2003/07/222000099148 Laredo Avenue Staten Island NyStephen Doherty
1867 West 9 Street Brooklyn Ny
Application filed to legalize an existin g rear masonry porch at 1st flo r and balcony at 2nd floor no change to occupancy,use,egress or bulk.
Date:  April 3, 2002
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Stephen Doherty

Client: Santo Agnello | Client Address: 1867 1867 West 9th Street Brooklyn Ny 11223 | Client Phone: (516) 523-2904 | Permit type: No work | Permit id: 301291689
2002/04/033000991867 West 9 Street Brooklyn NyStephen Doherty

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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