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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
8414 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
New line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new
Date:  November 12, 2013
Value:   $7,500

Applicant: Rich Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10813 | Parcel: 7242800120
2013/11/127500868414 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8436 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
New line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  November 27, 2013
Value:   $237,150

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11333 | Parcel: 7242800140
2013/11/27237150868436 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat-lot 5 new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $173,366

Applicant: Rich Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11866 | Parcel: 7242800050
2013/12/16173366868398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat lot 8 new line and low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $282,914

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11870 | Parcel: 7242800080
2013/12/16282914868372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8426 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat lot 13 -new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  December 10, 2013
Value:   $167,765

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11719 | Parcel: 7242890130
2013/12/10167765868426 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat-lot 6 new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $162,354

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11867 | Parcel: 7242800060
2013/12/16162354868392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat lot 7 new fire sprinkled single-family zero lot line home consisting of: 1 486 sf dwelling space 56 sf uncovered deck and 244 sf attached garage. Total 1 786 sf.
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $164,519

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11869 | Parcel: 7242800070
2013/12/16164519868382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8408 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - the retreat lot 4. New line and low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new
Date:  May 29, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04736 | Parcel: 7242800040
2014/05/296500868408 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8438 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa new house line & low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new
Date:  May 27, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04649 | Parcel: 7242800010
2014/05/276500868438 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8374 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat-lot 9 new line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $311,208

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05154 | Parcel: 7242800090
2014/06/16311208868374 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8394 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat-lot 11 new line & low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05156 | Parcel: 7242800110
2014/06/166500868394 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8418 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat lot 3 - new house line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new and 1 low voltage
Date:  June 4, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04880 | Parcel: 7242800030
2014/06/046500868418 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8386 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat-lot new line & low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05155 | Parcel: 7242800100
2014/06/166500868386 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
84 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat lot 2 -new house line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new (1) low voltage
Date:  June 4, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04879 | Parcel: 7242800020
2014/06/0465008684 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated for elec2013-11867 the retreat lot 6 -new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Paul Mandish | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08085 | Parcel: 7242800060
2015/01/086500868392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated for elec2013-11869 the retreat lot 7. New line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit e.
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Greg Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08089 | Parcel: 7242800070
2015/01/086500868382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated for elec2013-118 the retreat lot 8. New line and low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Paul Mandish | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08097 | Parcel: 7242800080
2015/01/086500868372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstatement of elec2013-11866 the retreat lot 5 - new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08078 | Parcel: 7242800050
2015/01/086500868398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8414 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
New line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new
Date:  November 12, 2013
Value:   $7,500

Applicant: Rich Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10813
2013/11/127500868414 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8436 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
New line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  November 27, 2013
Value:   $237,150

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11333
2013/11/27237150868436 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat-lot 5 new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $173,366

Applicant: Rich Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11866
2013/12/16173366868398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat lot 8 new line and low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $282,914

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11870
2013/12/16282914868372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8426 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat lot 13 -new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  December 10, 2013
Value:   $167,765

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11719
2013/12/10167765868426 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat-lot 6 new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $162,354

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11867
2013/12/16162354868392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
The retreat lot 7 new fire sprinkled single-family zero lot line home consisting of: 1 486 sf dwelling space 56 sf uncovered deck and 244 sf attached garage. Total 1 786 sf.
Date:  December 16, 2013
Value:   $164,519

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11869
2013/12/16164519868382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8408 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - the retreat lot 4. New line and low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new
Date:  May 29, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04736
2014/05/296500868408 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8438 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa new house line & low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new
Date:  May 27, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04649
2014/05/276500868438 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8374 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat-lot 9 new line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $311,208

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05154
2014/06/16311208868374 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8394 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat-lot 11 new line & low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05156
2014/06/166500868394 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8418 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat lot 3 - new house line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new and 1 low voltage
Date:  June 4, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04880
2014/06/046500868418 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8386 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat-lot new line & low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Robin Murphy | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05155
2014/06/166500868386 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
84 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa the retreat lot 2 -new house line & low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) service - new (1) low voltage
Date:  June 4, 2014
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Richard Tadlock | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04879
2014/06/0465008684 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated for elec2013-11867 the retreat lot 6 -new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Paul Mandish | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08085
2015/01/086500868392 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated for elec2013-11869 the retreat lot 7. New line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit e.
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Greg Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08089
2015/01/086500868382 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated for elec2013-118 the retreat lot 8. New line and low voltage wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Paul Mandish | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08097
2015/01/086500868372 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation
8398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstatement of elec2013-11866 the retreat lot 5 - new line and low volt wiring customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  January 8, 2015
Value:   $6,500

Applicant: Angela Rozmyn | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08078
2015/01/086500868398 167th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Pro Alarms Electric Corporation

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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