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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
1917 Hackworth St Nashville Tn 37210
Remodel and addition of 15 x 35 addition to existing bldg for "suburban propane"... . Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  May 9, 2013
Value:   $75,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201312036 | Parcel: 10609000200
2013/05/0975000911917 Hackworth St Nashville Tn 37210Krause Construction Inc
911 Airport Center Dr Nashville Tn 37214
To construct a 17 x 54 lobby breakfast area addition for best western hotel. Pudc. Need mnaa approval. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  July 6, 2015
Value:   $30,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201515156 | Parcel: 10800021700
2015/07/063000091911 Airport Center Dr Nashville Tn 37214Krause Construction Inc
16 Church St Nashville Tn 37203
Existing bldg at 4914 sqft.... Zoned mui-a. Bldg at 3064 sqft adn 18 sqft... Built 1949.. No parking required. This permit 1... To remodel existing building and 2... Construct a 2975 sq ft shell addition to be used for future use 3.. And then construct a new 2nd floor shell addition over the existing bldg and the new addition (50x158) 2nd floor shell addition for future residential.... Separate finish out permits required for 4 separate uses..... Restaurant... Residence.... Microbrewery, and mezzinine storage area... Permit 2002-02904 --11,4 sqft liquor store.... Required parking 13... Provided 35..... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code.
Date:  December 9, 2014
Value:   $200,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201202129 | Parcel: 9212031500
2014/12/092000009116 Church St Nashville Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
2905 Dickerson Pike Nashville Tn 37207
To construct a new 24 unit 2 floor patel hotel on property. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  December 2, 2013
Value:   $895,515

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201313419 | Parcel: 6012008200
2013/12/02895515912905 Dickerson Pike Nashville Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
6701 Charlotte Pike Nashville Tn 37209
Existing buddhist temple approved under bza and previous permit..... This permit to construct a new 35x55 one floor bldg with a tall crawl space which makes the structure appear to be a 2 floor structure..... And breeze way both attached to main bldg. Need number of place mats in the sanctuary or equivalent worship space = 91 4= 23 see bza approval 2013-045....: special exception---17. 16. 1 e.... Sidewalks required... Request not to install---variance.. 17. 20. 120a2. Site plan sent to file... Any approval over 6 months need to be re-approved
Date:  November 3, 2014
Value:   $261,415

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201307333 | Parcel: 10208008000
2014/11/03261415916701 Charlotte Pike Nashville Tn 37209Krause Construction Inc
15537 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville Tn 37211
Amend permit 2015-07461 to conduct renovations to approx 26 sqft space in shopping center for athenian luxe spa to reflect a change in contractor..... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  May 26, 2015
Value:   $35,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201521036 | Parcel: 16100008401
2015/05/26350009115537 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville Tn 37211Krause Construction Inc
1801 Dickerson Pike Nashville Tn 37207
To rehab existing relax inn hotel. Triple fee to be applied per property standards and building inspections division. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 20, 2015
Value:   $26,500

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201519906 | Parcel: 7107026700
2015/05/2026500911801 Dickerson Pike Nashville Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
13 Brick Church Pike Nashville Tn 37207
Renovations to hotel..... No kitchen work... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  March 24, 2014
Value:   $128,216

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201401700 | Parcel: 7106007700
2014/03/241282169113 Brick Church Pike Nashville Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
701 Union St Nashville Tn 37219
To rehab the exterior of best western hotel. Mdha overlay. No increase to building footprint. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 23, 2013
Value:   $238,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201227197 | Parcel: 9305200600
2013/09/2323800091701 Union St Nashville Tn 37219Krause Construction Inc
13 Brick Church Pike Nashville Tn 37207
Exterior renovations only to the back section of hotel..
Date:  September 10, 2014
Value:   $35,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201431745 | Parcel: 7106007700
2014/09/10350009113 Brick Church Pike Nashville Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
2401 Brick Church Pike Nashville Tn 37207
To rehab floors one thru 5 for magnson hotel. Interior work only. No increase to building footprint. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  July 31, 2014
Value:   $30,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201427390 | Parcel: 7102014700
2014/07/3130000912401 Brick Church Pike Nashville Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
7 Old Hickory Blvd Brentwood Tn 37027
To replace two (2) exterior staircases for existing target center. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  December 11, 2013
Value:   $60,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201338182 | Parcel: 16014002700
2013/12/1160000917 Old Hickory Blvd Brentwood Tn 37027Krause Construction Inc
2615 Elm Hill Pike Nashville Tn 37214
To demolish the front canopy portion of existing quality inn hotel. Pudc. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  December 12, 2014
Value:   $16,000

Permit type: Building commercial | Permit id: 201444810 | Parcel: 9500010700
2014/12/1216000912615 Elm Hill Pike Nashville Tn 37214Krause Construction Inc
321 W Trinity Ln Nashville Tn 37207
To demolish existing non res, bldg. Formely the ponderosa restaurant. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no struction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code
Date:  May 9, 2014
Value:   $13,135

Permit type: Building demolition | Permit id: 201415318 | Parcel: 7106000200
2014/05/091313591321 W Trinity Ln Nashville Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
3 Harding Pl Nashville Tn 37211
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demo the front part of fire damaged hotel... Nothing to be buried nor burned on lot.. And remove all the furniture in the rest of the hotel.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compens
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $45,000

Permit type: Building demolition | Permit id: 201528963 | Parcel: 13400016000
2015/07/0945000913 Harding Pl Nashville Tn 37211Krause Construction Inc
3 Mcmillin St Nashville Tn 37203
To renovate existing single family residence and construct a 12 x 12 patio cover to rear of residence. To remain single family 3 min sides, plan shows 12. Min rear . Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code;
Date:  September 23, 2014
Value:   $25,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201434839 | Parcel: 9208029400
2014/09/2325000913 Mcmillin St Nashville Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
1427 Pennock Ave Nashville Tn 37207
Renovations to single family res.... To include adding dormers shed roof for additional living space....... No change to footprint... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $93,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201528971 | Parcel: 7111023000
2015/07/0993000911427 Pennock Ave Nashville Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
319 Mcmillin St Nashville Tn 37203
To construct a new auto parking lot for " jack cawthons apartments ". Variances in queuing, perimeter landscaping along north p l see approved bza 2014-073.... See plan... Plans sent to file... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file i, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain co
Date:  November 6, 2014
Value:   $31,000

Permit type: Building use & occup | Permit id: 201424838 | Parcel: 9208028800
2014/11/063100091319 Mcmillin St Nashville Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
7 Royal Pkwy Nashville, Tn 37214
Remove the old canopy at the front of the hotel and replace with new free-standing canopy.... And install a siding door to the hotel...
Date:  April 11, 2016
Value:   $21,273

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201609492 | Parcel: 10801007900
2016/04/1121273917 Royal Pkwy Nashville, Tn 37214Krause Construction Inc
7 Royal Pkwy Nashville, Tn 37214
To conduct interior renovations to existing super 8 hotel. No increase to building footprint. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 29, 2015
Value:   $28,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201546220 | Parcel: 10801007900
2015/10/2928000917 Royal Pkwy Nashville, Tn 37214Krause Construction Inc
1801 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
To rehab existing relax inn hotel. Triple fee to be applied per property standards and building inspections division. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 20, 2015
Value:   $26,500

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201519906 | Parcel: 07107026700
2015/05/2026500911801 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
321 W Trinity Ln Nashville, Tn 37207
To demolish existing non res, bldg. Formely the ponderosa restaurant. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no struction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code
Date:  May 9, 2014
Value:   $13,135

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 201415318 | Parcel: 07106000200
2014/05/091313591321 W Trinity Ln Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
2401 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
To rehab floors one thru 5 for magnson hotel. Interior work only. No increase to building footprint. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  July 31, 2014
Value:   $30,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201427390 | Parcel: 07102014700
2014/07/3130000912401 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
13 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
Renovations to hotel..... No kitchen work... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  March 24, 2014
Value:   $128,216

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201401700 | Parcel: 07106007700
2014/03/241282169113 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
3 Mcmillin St Nashville, Tn 37203
To renovate existing single family residence and construct a 12 x 12 patio cover to rear of residence. To remain single family 3 min sides, plan shows 12. Min rear . Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code;
Date:  September 23, 2014
Value:   $25,000

Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 201434839 | Parcel: 09208029400
2014/09/2325000913 Mcmillin St Nashville, Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
2615 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, Tn 37214
To demolish the front canopy portion of existing quality inn hotel. Pudc. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  December 12, 2014
Value:   $16,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201444810 | Parcel: 09500010700
2014/12/1216000912615 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, Tn 37214Krause Construction Inc
3 Harding Pl Nashville, Tn 37211
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demo the front part of fire damaged hotel... Nothing to be buried nor burned on lot.. And remove all the furniture in the rest of the hotel.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensat
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $45,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 201528963 | Parcel: 13400016000
2015/07/0945000913 Harding Pl Nashville, Tn 37211Krause Construction Inc
701 Union St Nashville, Tn 37219
To rehab the exterior of best western hotel. Mdha overlay. No increase to building footprint. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 23, 2013
Value:   $238,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201227197 | Parcel: 09305200600
2013/09/2323800091701 Union St Nashville, Tn 37219Krause Construction Inc
16 Church St Nashville, Tn 37203
Existing bldg at 4914 sqft.... Zoned mui-a. Bldg at 3064 sqft adn 18 sqft... Built 1949.. No parking required. This permit 1... To remodel existing building and 2... Construct a 2975 sq ft shell addition to be used for future use 3.. And then construct a new 2nd floor shell addition over the existing bldg and the new addition (50x158) 2nd floor shell addition for future residential.... Separate finish out permits required for 4 separate uses..... Restaurant... Residence.... Microbrewery, and mezzinine storage area... Permit 2002-02904 --11,4 sqft liquor store.... Required parking 13... Provided 35..... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code.
Date:  December 9, 2014
Value:   $200,000

Permit type: Building commercial - shell | Permit id: 201202129 | Parcel: 09212031500
2014/12/092000009116 Church St Nashville, Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
7 Old Hickory Blvd Brentwood, Tn 37027
To replace two (2) exterior staircases for existing target center. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  December 11, 2013
Value:   $60,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201338182 | Parcel: 16014002700
2013/12/1160000917 Old Hickory Blvd Brentwood, Tn 37027Krause Construction Inc
3078 Sidco Dr Nashville, Tn 37204
To rehab a 361 sf portion of existing non-res building for office area for pro source. Interior work only. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 20, 2015
Value:   $11,500

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 201543632 | Parcel: 132080a00200co
2015/10/2011500913078 Sidco Dr Nashville, Tn 37204Krause Construction Inc
207 14th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demolish existing non-res building. Not to be burned on lot.
Value:   $29,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: T201615742 | Parcel: 09309000700
2900091207 14th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
216 15th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demolish existing non-res building. Not to be burned on lot.
Value:   $39,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: T201615745 | Parcel: 09212035500
3900091216 15th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
1427 Pennock Ave Nashville, Tn 37207
Renovations to single family res.... To include adding dormers shed roof for additional living space....... No change to footprint... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $93,000

Permit type: Building residential - rehab | Permit id: 201528971 | Parcel: 07111023000
2015/07/0993000911427 Pennock Ave Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
4005b Woodmont Blvd Nashville, Tn 37205
To construct 3624sf single family residence with 410sf garage and 245sf porches. 5 min. Side setback, min. Rear setback, front setback at per plat. Unit 1 of 2. Lot coverage is 2121sf of max 5400sf lot coverage. Not to be over any easements. Max height 3 stories or 37. 5. Sidewalks are required, applicant may pay in lieu of sidewalk requirements pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  October 20, 2017
Value:   $408,244

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017062701 | Parcel: 116084c00200co
2017/10/20408244914005b Woodmont Blvd Nashville, Tn 37205Krause Construction Inc
3 Harding Pl Nashville, Tn 37211
To demolish portions of existing harding place hotel. Not to be burned on lot. Pudc
Date:  April 21, 2017
Value:   $174,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 2017025266 | Parcel: 13400016000
2017/04/21174000913 Harding Pl Nashville, Tn 37211Krause Construction Inc
2401 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
Exterior facade work to existing hotel.
Date:  September 22, 2017
Value:   $110,000

Permit type: Building commercial - roofing / siding | Permit id: 2017061131 | Parcel: 07102014700
2017/09/22110000912401 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
216 15th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demolish existing non-res building. Not to be burned on lot.
Date:  November 4, 2016
Value:   $39,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 201615745 | Parcel: 09212035500
2016/11/043900091216 15th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
1912b 9th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37208
To construct 2000sf single family residence. 5 min. Side setback, min. Rear setback, front setback at 18 per avg. Unit 2 of 2. Lot coverage is 1000sf of max 3780sf lot coverage. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code
Date:  November 15, 2016
Value:   $225,300

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016062936 | Parcel: 081081d00200co
2016/11/15225300911912b 9th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37208Krause Construction Inc
17 Fern Ave Nashville, Tn 37207
To demolish existing structure. Not to be burned on lot. Rm20-a zoning.
Date:  November 4, 2016
Value:   $5,500

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 2016060561 | Parcel: 07114030800
2016/11/0455009117 Fern Ave Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
15 Fern Ave Nashville, Tn 37207
To demolish existing structure. Not to be burned on lot. Rm20-a zoning.
Date:  November 4, 2016
Value:   $5,500

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 2016060560 | Parcel: 07114030900
2016/11/0455009115 Fern Ave Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
1912c 9th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37208
To demolish existing residence. Not to be burned on lot.
Date:  November 2, 2016
Value:   $8,500

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 2016060375 | Parcel: 081081d90000co
2016/11/028500911912c 9th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37208Krause Construction Inc
6701 Charlotte Pike Nashville, Tn 37209
Existing buddhist temple approved under bza and previous permit..... This permit to construct a new 36x36 one floor bldg with a tall crawl space which makes the structure appear to be a 2 floor structure..... And breeze way both attached to main bldg. Need number of place mats in the sanctuary or equivalent worship space = 91/4= 23 see bza approval 2013-045....: special exception---17. 16. 1 e.... Sidewalks required... Request not to install---variance.. 17. 20. 120a2. Site plan sent to file... Any approval over 6 months need to be re-approved 11/11/2014 - wilma sullivan: bin 27
Date:  November 3, 2014
Value:   $261,415

Permit type: Building commercial - new | Permit id: 201307333 | Parcel: 10208008000
2014/11/03261415916701 Charlotte Pike Nashville, Tn 37209Krause Construction Inc
319 Mcmillin St Nashville, Tn 37203
To construct a new auto parking lot for jack cawthons apartments . Variances in queuing, perimeter landscaping along north p/l see approved bza 2014-073.... See plan... Plans sent to file... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file i, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage
Date:  November 6, 2014
Value:   $31,000

Permit type: Building use & occupancy | Permit id: 201424838 | Parcel: 09208028800
2014/11/063100091319 Mcmillin St Nashville, Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
1912a 9th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37208
To construct 2000sf single family residence. 5 min. Side setback, min. Rear setback, front setback at 18 per avg. Unit 1 of 2. Lot coverage is 1032sf of max 3780sf lot coverage. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code
Date:  November 15, 2016
Value:   $225,300

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016062932 | Parcel: 081081d00100co
2016/11/15225300911912a 9th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37208Krause Construction Inc
207 14th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203
Work on this demolition permit must commence within thirty (30) days of issuance and be completed sixty (60) days after commencement. This permit expires days after the permit is issued. Please call 811 before you dig. To demolish existing non-res building. Not to be burned on lot.
Date:  November 4, 2016
Value:   $29,000

Permit type: Building demolition permit | Permit id: 201615742 | Parcel: 09309000700
2016/11/042900091207 14th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37203Krause Construction Inc
4144 Lebanon Pike Hermitage, Tn 37076
To conduct exterior work to faade only. Repainting doors only. Will also be replacing windows and doors. No change to footprint, no interior work. No work to stucco. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code. For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  November 1, 2017
Value:   $19,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 2017068720 | Parcel: 07500015400
2017/11/0119000914144 Lebanon Pike Hermitage, Tn 37076Krause Construction Inc
4005a Woodmont Blvd Nashville, Tn 37205
To construct 3624sf single family residence with 410sf garage and 245sf porches. 5 min. Side setback, min. Rear setback, front setback at per plat. Unit 1 of 2. Lot coverage is 2121sf of max 5400sf lot coverage. Not to be over any easements. Max height 3 stories or 37. 5. Sidewalks are required, applicant may pay in lieu of sidewalk requirements pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  October 20, 2017
Value:   $408,244

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017062694 | Parcel: 116084c00100co
2017/10/20408244914005a Woodmont Blvd Nashville, Tn 37205Krause Construction Inc
32 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
Renovations to existing levering office bldg. Poc: dean patel.... 406-9955
Date:  June 23, 2017
Value:   $18,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 2017024338 | Parcel: 06004001700
2017/06/23180009132 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
38 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
Existing warehouse.. This permit to renovate and convert to religious services.>>>>>2 seats. Per owner using existing 51 space hard dustless surface material..... See photos... For every 4 seats need one parking space. Poc: dean patel 615-406-9955
Date:  June 28, 2017
Value:   $200,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: 2017019887 | Parcel: 04112013600
2017/06/282000009138 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
15537 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville, Tn 37211
Amend permit 2015-07461 to conduct renovations to approx 26 sqft space in shopping center for athenian luxe spa to reflect a change in contractor..... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106.
Date:  May 26, 2015
Value:   $35,000

Permit type: Building commercial - change contractor | Permit id: 201521036 | Parcel: 16100008401
2015/05/26350009115537 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville, Tn 37211Krause Construction Inc
104 Lucile St Nashville, Tn 37207
Master permit for 5 townhouse homes..... Unit 1 @ 1708 sf, unit 2 @ 3137 sf, unit 3 @ 20 sf, unit 4@ 1893 sf and unit 5@1893 sf...........

Permit type: Building use & occupancy | Permit id: T201623735 | Parcel: 07115004200
091104 Lucile St Nashville, Tn 37207Krause Construction Inc
21 Rosa L Parks Blvd 105 Nashville, Tn 37228
To finish out existing shell space with 19 sf for osteria pizza restaurant. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Value:   $65,000

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T201605803 | Parcel: 07016003700
650009121 Rosa L Parks Blvd 105 Nashville, Tn 37228Krause Construction Inc
825e Murfreesboro Pike Retail Spa Nashville, Tn 37217
Finish out approx 13 sqft for new mexican restaurant.
Value:   $55,000

Permit type: Building commercial - tenant finish out | Permit id: T2017061137 | Parcel: 10600002601
5500091825e Murfreesboro Pike Retail Spa Nashville, Tn 37217Krause Construction Inc
717 Spence Ln Nashville, Tn 37217
To rehab existing hillside crossing hotel. Requesting sidewalk variance per metzo 17. 20. 120.
Value:   $899,000

Permit type: Building commercial - rehab | Permit id: T2017074238 | Parcel: 10600010900
89900091717 Spence Ln Nashville, Tn 37217Krause Construction Inc

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