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4209 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 2008 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 532 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need mpc critical lot approval site plan.
Date:  May 20, 2015
Value:   $217,892

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201518354 | Parcel: 062020b29100co
2015/05/20217892914209 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
42 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 1786 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 394 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval.
Date:  May 28, 2015
Value:   $190,152

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201519543 | Parcel: 062020b27300co
2015/05/281901529142 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
3037 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1832 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 368 sq. Ft and to plant a 2" tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  June 2, 2015
Value:   $194,020

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201520699 | Parcel: 058100b06600co
2015/06/02194020913037 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9056 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 2222 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 438 sq. Ft. And 210sf of porch. 5 min. Side setbacks, min. Rear and front setbacks.
Date:  June 19, 2015
Value:   $160,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201523203 | Parcel: 186040a39900co
2015/06/19160000919056 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3021 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence. Need stamped critical lot approval from mpc(sent to file). Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  July 16, 2015
Value:   $194,216

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201525632 | Parcel: 058100b07000co
2015/07/16194216913021 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9113 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2346 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  August 17, 2015
Value:   $249,651

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201532472 | Parcel: 186040a37500co
2015/08/17249651919113 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
2808 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2184 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 398 sq. Ft and to plan a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 15 min left side s b per easement on recorded sub plat; 5 min right side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  August 17, 2015
Value:   $229,698

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201531799 | Parcel: 058100b08500co
2015/08/17229698912808 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
90 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2406 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 378 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  August 17, 2015
Value:   $253,954

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201532469 | Parcel: 186040a40000co
2015/08/172539549190 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3017 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 2084 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 382 sq. Ft and 168sf porches. 5 min. Side setbacks, min. Rear setback, fron setback at per plat. Critical lot. Need stamped plans from planning
Date:  August 21, 2015
Value:   $221,590

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201528475 | Parcel: 058100b07100co
2015/08/21221590913017 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3033 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1992 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 532 sq. Ft. Need critical lot approval from mpc. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. And to plant a 2" tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  September 3, 2015
Value:   $216,325

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201537352 | Parcel: 058100b06700co
2015/09/03216325913033 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4509 Queens Ln Nashville Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 1,818 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 427 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  February 27, 2014
Value:   $195,966

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201405602 | Parcel: 058100b04800co
2014/02/27195966914509 Queens Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3308 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,084 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 3 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  February 5, 2014
Value:   $220,952

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201403351 | Parcel: 058100b00800co
2014/02/05220952913308 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3325 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 1824 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 394 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 31, 2014
Value:   $194,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201408744 | Parcel: 058100b05900co
2014/03/31194000913325 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3312 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 1,934 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 4 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  June 24, 2013
Value:   $214,765

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201317175 | Parcel: 058100b00700co
2013/06/24214765913312 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
621 Westcott Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,296 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 452 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  December 9, 2013
Value:   $242,804

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201336320 | Parcel: 186040a40200co
2013/12/0924280491621 Westcott Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
33 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,094 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 4 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  November 7, 2013
Value:   $226,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201335131 | Parcel: 058100b03900co
2013/11/072260009133 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3352 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,396 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 412 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  July 25, 2013
Value:   $250,538

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201322668 | Parcel: 058100b03200co
2013/07/25250538913352 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
424 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,314 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 465 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Front and rear min 20... Sides min 5 .. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... Site plan sent to file and insp
Date:  August 1, 2013
Value:   $289,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201321603 | Parcel: 186040a48100co
2013/08/0128900091424 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
8521 Lawson Dr Antioch Tn 37013
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 13 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 397 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 5, 2014
Value:   $151,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201405597 | Parcel: 182060a27400co
2014/03/05151000918521 Lawson Dr Antioch Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
8857 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch Tn 37013
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 1,3 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 397 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 6, 2014
Value:   $155,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201406528 | Parcel: 182060a29400co
2014/03/06155000918857 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
408 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,106 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 31, 2014
Value:   $321,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201408746 | Parcel: 186040a48500co
2014/03/3132100091408 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
425 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,3 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 374 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 12. 6 min right side s b per easement on recorded sub plat; 5 min left side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  June 18, 2013
Value:   $332,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201316894 | Parcel: 186040a47800co
2013/06/1833200091425 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
412 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,164 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 392 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  June 11, 2013
Value:   $300,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201316918 | Parcel: 186040a48400co
2013/06/1130000091412 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
325 Whitman Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,3 square foot single family residential home with an attahed garage of 374 square feet and to provide a 2" tree in the yard front with landscaping. 25 min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 4, 2013
Value:   $362,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201326368 | Parcel: 186040a22300co
2013/09/0436200091325 Whitman Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3329 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,072 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 382 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 26, 2013
Value:   $235,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201323780 | Parcel: 058100b05800co
2013/09/26235000913329 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4257 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,264 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 378 square feet and to provide a two inche tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval from mpc. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  December 2, 2013
Value:   $236,710

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201335554 | Parcel: 062020b27900co
2013/12/02236710914257 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
3337 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 2,084 square feet with an attached garage of 395 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disp
Date:  May 16, 2014
Value:   $219,772

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201415381 | Parcel: 058100b05600co
2014/05/16219772913337 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9108 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a 2,248 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 396 square feet. Min. Front and rear s b; 5 side setbacks. To provide a two inch tree in the yard front per code with landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  May 19, 2014
Value:   $276,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201416822 | Parcel: 186040a46600co
2014/05/19276000919108 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3356 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,0 square foot single family residential home with an attached garage of 368 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an
Date:  May 19, 2014
Value:   $218,312

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201416127 | Parcel: 058100b03300co
2014/05/19218312913356 Brome Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9069 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,222 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 444 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  July 16, 2014
Value:   $310,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201422658 | Parcel: 186040a38000co
2014/07/16310000919069 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
8508 Lawson Dr Antioch Tn 37013
To construct 13 sf 2 story single family residence with 397 sf attached garage and sf porches. 5 min. Side setbacks, min. Front and rear setbacks. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  July 29, 2014
Value:   $147,483

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201425427 | Parcel: 182060a27900co
2014/07/29147483918508 Lawson Dr Antioch Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
8805 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch Tn 37013
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 1,934 square feet with an attached garage of 416 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  August 19, 2014
Value:   $205,398

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201427305 | Parcel: 182060a28100co
2014/08/19205398918805 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
91 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a 2,408 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 378 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 23, 2014
Value:   $346,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201433450 | Parcel: 186040a45900co
2014/09/233460009191 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9144 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2,152 square feet with an attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 21, 2014
Value:   $331,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201435988 | Parcel: 186040a45800co
2014/10/21331000919144 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9104 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a 2,452 square foot single family residential home with an attached garage of 392 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front as per local code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 15, 2014
Value:   $345,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201435639 | Parcel: 186040a46700co
2014/10/15345000919104 Macauley Ln Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
517 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a 2,688 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 414 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping per local code. Sp zoning. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 29, 2014
Value:   $350,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201440228 | Parcel: 186040a36500co
2014/10/2935000091517 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
416 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a 2,248 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 428 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  November 10, 2014
Value:   $335,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201441205 | Parcel: 186040a48300co
2014/11/1033500091416 Marlowe Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
4505 Queens Ln Nashville Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,182 square foot single family residential home with an attached garage of 398 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  July 16, 2014
Value:   $238,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201420326 | Parcel: 058100b04000co
2014/07/16238000914505 Queens Ln Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
508 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,263 single family residential home with an attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min s b; min rear s b.
Date:  December 30, 2014
Value:   $325,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201447136 | Parcel: 186040a36100co
2014/12/3032500091508 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
2809 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a x 59 single family residence with 2928 sf living area, 473 sf attached garage and 16 sf porch area. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $304,821

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509075 | Parcel: 058100b08700co
2015/03/13304821912809 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2805 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a 43 x 48 single family residence with 2101 sf living area, 381 sf attached garage and 111 sf porch area. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $222,149

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509078 | Parcel: 058100b08800co
2015/03/13222149912805 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2804 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a 43 x 46 single family residence with 2076 sf living area, 381 sf attached garage and 47 sf porch area. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $218,501

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509074 | Parcel: 058100b08400co
2015/03/13218501912804 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3024 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a 51 x 59 single family residence with 2342 sf living area, 428 sf attached garage and 29 sf porch area. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $245,980

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509080 | Parcel: 058100b08900co
2015/03/13245980913024 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3028 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a 45 x 49 single family residence with 2012 sf living area, 404 sf attached garage and 217 sf porch areas. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $216,280

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509088 | Parcel: 058100b09000co
2015/03/13216280913028 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3016 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a 41 x 61 single family residence with 2189 sf living area, 398 sf attached garage and 1 sf porch area. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $231,762

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509071 | Parcel: 058100b08300co
2015/03/13231762913016 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3036 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a 41 x 46 single family residence with 2101 sf living area, 381 sf attached garage and 47 sf porch area. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $220,950

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509083 | Parcel: 058100b09200co
2015/03/13220950913036 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
513 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 2248 sq. Ft. With attached garage of 442 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Sp zoning.
Date:  April 9, 2015
Value:   $330,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509077 | Parcel: 186040a36600co
2015/04/0933000091513 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
516 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 2748 sq. Ft. With attached garage of 418 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Sp zoning. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no constructio
Date:  April 9, 2015
Value:   $330,000

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201509072 | Parcel: 186040a36300co
2015/04/0933000091516 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
505 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135
To construct a single family residential home of 2263 square feet with attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 16, 2015
Value:   $240,434

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201510263 | Parcel: 186040a36800co
2015/04/1624043491505 Wilcox Ct Nolensville Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3025 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a single family residential home of 1982 sq. Ft. With attached garage of 542 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 23, 2015
Value:   $215,608

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201513491 | Parcel: 058100b06900co
2015/04/23215608913025 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3041 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a single family residential home of 2002 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 4 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 27, 2015
Value:   $211,833

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201512255 | Parcel: 058100b06500co
2015/04/27211833913041 Carrington Pl Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2812 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218
To construct a single family residential home of 2038 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 4 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 27, 2015
Value:   $216,109

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201512261 | Parcel: 058100b08600co
2015/04/27216109912812 Red Clover Ct Nashville Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4212 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214
To construct a single family residential home of 20 square feet with an attached garage of 368 square feet and to provide a 2" tree win yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval from metro planning. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 5, 2015
Value:   $217,525

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201510275 | Parcel: 062020b26600co
2015/05/05217525914212 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
4252 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214
To construct a single family residential home of 2082 square feet with an attached garage of 386 square feet and to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval fro metro planning. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 5, 2015
Value:   $221,094

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201510271 | Parcel: 062020b27600co
2015/05/05221094914252 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
4244 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214
To construct a single family residence of 2356 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 412 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2" tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval from mpc. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 5, 2015
Value:   $248,494

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201510915 | Parcel: 062020b27400co
2015/05/05248494914244 Longfellow Dr Nashville Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
3017 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 2084 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 382 sq. Ft and 168sf porches. 5 min. Side setbacks, min. Rear setback, fron setback at per plat. Critical lot. Need stamped plans from planning
Date:  August 21, 2015
Value:   $221,590

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201528475 | Parcel: 058100b07100co
2015/08/21221590913017 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9056 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 2222 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 438 sq. Ft. And 210sf of porch. 5 min. Side setbacks, min. Rear and front setbacks.
Date:  June 19, 2015
Value:   $237,992

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201523203 | Parcel: 186040a39900co
2015/06/19237992919056 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
516 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 2748 sq. Ft. With attached garage of 418 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Sp zoning. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and de
Date:  April 9, 2015
Value:   $330,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509072 | Parcel: 186040a36300co
2015/04/0933000091516 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
325 Whitman Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,3 square foot single family residential home with an attahed garage of 374 square feet and to provide a 2 tree in the yard front with landscaping. 25 min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 4, 2013
Value:   $362,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201326368 | Parcel: 186040a22300co
2013/09/0436200091325 Whitman Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
33 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,094 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 4 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  November 7, 2013
Value:   $226,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201335131 | Parcel: 058100b03900co
2013/11/072260009133 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3329 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,072 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 382 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 26, 2013
Value:   $235,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201323780 | Parcel: 058100b05800co
2013/09/26235000913329 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9053 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2414 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 402 sq. Ft and to provide landscaping an plant a 2 tree in yard.
Date:  June 14, 2016
Value:   $271,937

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016027983 | Parcel: 186040a38400co
2016/06/14271937919053 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
621 Westcott Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,296 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 452 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  December 9, 2013
Value:   $242,804

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201336320 | Parcel: 186040a40200co
2013/12/0924280491621 Westcott Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
8508 Lawson Dr Antioch, Tn 37013
To construct 13 sf 2 story single family residence with 397 sf attached garage and sf porches. 5 min. Side setbacks, min. Front and rear setbacks. Not to be over any easements. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  July 29, 2014
Value:   $147,483

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201425427 | Parcel: 182060a27900co
2014/07/29147483918508 Lawson Dr Antioch, Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
4257 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,264 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 378 square feet and to provide a two inche tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Need critical lot approval from mpc. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  December 2, 2013
Value:   $236,710

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201335554 | Parcel: 062020b27900co
2013/12/02236710914257 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
513 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 2248 sq. Ft. With attached garage of 442 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Sp zoning.
Date:  April 9, 2015
Value:   $330,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509077 | Parcel: 186040a36600co
2015/04/0933000091513 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3053 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1994 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft and to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; 25 min rear s b. Must comply with tree regulations one new two inch tree for every road frontage.
Date:  June 12, 2017
Value:   $224,624

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017034488 | Parcel: 058100c06200co
2017/06/12224624913053 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4244 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
To construct a single family residence of 2356 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 412 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval from mpc. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 5, 2015
Value:   $248,494

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201510915 | Parcel: 062020b27400co
2015/05/05248494914244 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
3032 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 20 square feet with an attached garage of 368 square feet. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  March 28, 2016
Value:   $217,525

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201612133 | Parcel: 058100b09100co
2016/03/28217525913032 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3024 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a 51 x 59 single family residence with 2342 sf living area, 428 sf attached garage and 29 sf porch area. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $245,980

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509080 | Parcel: 058100b08900co
2015/03/13245980913024 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9041 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2412 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 438 sq. Ft. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  October 29, 2015
Value:   $256,715

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201544300 | Parcel: 186040a38600co
2015/10/29256715919041 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3016 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a 41 x 61 single family residence with 2189 sf living area, 398 sf attached garage and 1 sf porch area. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $231,762

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509071 | Parcel: 058100b08300co
2015/03/13231762913016 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
42 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 1786 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 394 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval.
Date:  May 28, 2015
Value:   $190,152

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201519543 | Parcel: 062020b27300co
2015/05/281901529142 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
3033 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1992 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 532 sq. Ft. Need critical lot approval from mpc. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  September 3, 2015
Value:   $216,325

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201537352 | Parcel: 058100b06700co
2015/09/03216325913033 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3021 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence. Need stamped critical lot approval from mpc(sent to file). Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  July 16, 2015
Value:   $194,216

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201525632 | Parcel: 058100b07000co
2015/07/16194216913021 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3045 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2104 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 446 sq. Ft. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; 25 min rear s b. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  October 29, 2015
Value:   $223,398

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201546377 | Parcel: 058100b06400co
2015/10/29223398913045 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3037 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1832 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 368 sq. Ft and to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  June 2, 2015
Value:   $194,020

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201520699 | Parcel: 058100b06600co
2015/06/02194020913037 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2184 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 398 sq. Ft and to plan a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 15 min left side s b per easement on recorded sub plat; 5 min right side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  August 17, 2015
Value:   $229,698

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201531799 | Parcel: 058100b08500co
2015/08/17229698912808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9113 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2346 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  August 17, 2015
Value:   $249,651

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201532472 | Parcel: 186040a37500co
2015/08/17249651919113 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
2804 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a 43 x 46 single family residence with 2076 sf living area, 381 sf attached garage and 47 sf porch area. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $218,501

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509074 | Parcel: 058100b08400co
2015/03/13218501912804 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3044 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2072 square feet with an attached garage of 376 square feet and to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Must comply with tree regulations one new two inch tree for every road frontage.
Date:  April 28, 2017
Value:   $233,411

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017022191 | Parcel: 058100c09400co
2017/04/28233411913044 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3028 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a 45 x 49 single family residence with 2012 sf living area, 404 sf attached garage and 217 sf porch areas. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $216,280

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509088 | Parcel: 058100b09000co
2015/03/13216280913028 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
505 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residential home of 2263 square feet with attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 16, 2015
Value:   $240,434

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201510263 | Parcel: 186040a36800co
2015/04/1624043491505 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9025 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2406 square feet with an attached garage of 378 square feet. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  December 7, 2015
Value:   $253,954

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201551891 | Parcel: 186040a39000co
2015/12/07253954919025 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
4513 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2348 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 426 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping a plant a2 tree in yard for every road frontage. Min front s b; 11 min left side s b; 5 min right side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  October 27, 2017
Value:   $264,502

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017066441 | Parcel: 058100c09800co
2017/10/27264502914513 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
45 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2192 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard.

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: D2016066838 | Parcel: 058100c03500co
09145 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
8805 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch, Tn 37013
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 1,934 square feet with an attached garage of 416 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b.
Date:  August 19, 2014
Value:   $205,398

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201427305 | Parcel: 182060a28100co
2014/08/19205398918805 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch, Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
416 Marlowe Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a 2,248 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 428 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  November 10, 2014
Value:   $335,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201441205 | Parcel: 186040a48300co
2014/11/1033500091416 Marlowe Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9069 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,222 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 444 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b.
Date:  July 16, 2014
Value:   $310,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201422658 | Parcel: 186040a38000co
2014/07/16310000919069 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
408 Marlowe Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,106 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 31, 2014
Value:   $321,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201408746 | Parcel: 186040a48500co
2014/03/3132100091408 Marlowe Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3072 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2264 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  December 2, 2016
Value:   $255,040

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016066881 | Parcel: 058100c03200co
2016/12/02255040913072 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3337 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residential home of 2,084 square feet with an attached garage of 395 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of
Date:  May 16, 2014
Value:   $219,772

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201415381 | Parcel: 058100b05600co
2014/05/16219772913337 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9144 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2,152 square feet with an attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 21, 2014
Value:   $331,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201435988 | Parcel: 186040a45800co
2014/10/21331000919144 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
4509 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 1,818 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 427 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Corner lot. Min front s/b; min side street s/b; 5 min interior side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  February 27, 2014
Value:   $195,966

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201405602 | Parcel: 058100b04800co
2014/02/27195966914509 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3356 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,0 square foot single family residential home with an attached garage of 368 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approve
Date:  May 19, 2014
Value:   $218,312

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201416127 | Parcel: 058100b03300co
2014/05/19218312913356 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4505 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,182 square foot single family residential home with an attached garage of 398 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Corner lot. Min front s/b; min side street s/b; 5 min interior side s/b; min rear s/b.
Date:  July 16, 2014
Value:   $238,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201420326 | Parcel: 058100b04000co
2014/07/16238000914505 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3048 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2354 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft. With porches and decks... Front and rear min 20... Sides min 5... See plan.. For every feet of lot frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. E plan sent to file
Date:  November 22, 2016
Value:   $265,178

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016064751 | Parcel: 058100c09500co
2016/11/22265178913048 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3073 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2364 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 408 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  December 2, 2016
Value:   $266,305

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016066886 | Parcel: 058100c03300co
2016/12/02266305913073 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3049 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 20 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 368 sq. Ft. With porches and decks... Front and rear min 20... Sides min 5... See plan.. For every feet of lot frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. E plan sent to file
Date:  November 22, 2016
Value:   $234,312

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016065038 | Parcel: 058100c06300co
2016/11/22234312913049 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4517 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
Permit to construct a single family residence with 2,266 sqft living area and 428 sqft attached garage minimum front setback, minimum street side setback; 5 minimum side setback, minimum rear setback, maximum height is 3 story from natural grade to highest point on residence not to build over or obstruct any easements on property for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code
Date:  December 20, 2016
Value:   $258,644

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016069399 | Parcel: 058100c09700co
2016/12/20258644914517 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
45 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2192 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  December 2, 2016
Value:   $246,929

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016066829 | Parcel: 058100c03500co
2016/12/022469299145 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
517 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a 2,688 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 414 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping per local code. Sp zoning. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 29, 2014
Value:   $350,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201440228 | Parcel: 186040a36500co
2014/10/2935000091517 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
30 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 20 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 368 sq. Ft. With porches and decks... Front and rear min 20... Sides min 5... See plan.. For every feet of lot frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. E plan sent to file
Date:  November 22, 2016
Value:   $234,312

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016064747 | Parcel: 058100c09300co
2016/11/222343129130 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9108 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a 2,248 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 396 square feet. Min. Front and rear s/b; 5 side setbacks. To provide a two inch tree in the yard front per code with landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  May 19, 2014
Value:   $276,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201416822 | Parcel: 186040a46600co
2014/05/19276000919108 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
8521 Lawson Dr Antioch, Tn 37013
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 13 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 397 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 5, 2014
Value:   $151,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201405597 | Parcel: 182060a27400co
2014/03/05151000918521 Lawson Dr Antioch, Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
9104 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a 2,452 square foot single family residential home with an attached garage of 392 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front as per local code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  October 15, 2014
Value:   $345,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201435639 | Parcel: 186040a46700co
2014/10/15345000919104 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3061 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 20 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 368 sq. Ft. With porches and decks... Corner lot.... Both street setbacks min 20.... Rear min 20... Sides min 5... See plan.. For every feet of lot frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. E plan sent to file
Date:  November 22, 2016
Value:   $234,312

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016064744 | Parcel: 058100c06000co
2016/11/22234312913061 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3325 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 1824 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 394 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 31, 2014
Value:   $194,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201408744 | Parcel: 058100b05900co
2014/03/31194000913325 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3308 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,084 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 3 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  February 5, 2014
Value:   $220,952

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201403351 | Parcel: 058100b00800co
2014/02/05220952913308 Brome Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3052 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1858 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 406 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  December 2, 2016
Value:   $209,304

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016064807 | Parcel: 058100c09600co
2016/12/02209304913052 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3057 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 21 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 4 sq. Ft and to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  December 2, 2016
Value:   $239,945

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016065953 | Parcel: 058100c06100co
2016/12/02239945913057 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
8857 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch, Tn 37013
For every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 1,3 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 397 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 6, 2014
Value:   $155,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201406528 | Parcel: 182060a29400co
2014/03/06155000918857 Cressent Glen Ct Antioch, Tn 37013Celebration Homes Llc
91 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a 2,408 square foot single family residence with an attached garage of 378 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 23, 2014
Value:   $346,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201433450 | Parcel: 186040a45900co
2014/09/233460009191 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
8809 Ivymount Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
Res pud ... To construct a single family residence of 2375 square feet with an attached garage of 486 square feet. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code.; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  November 7, 2016
Value:   $267,544

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016056545 | Parcel: 186040a08100co
2016/11/07267544918809 Ivymount Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
4525 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2136 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 4 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard.
Date:  February 22, 2017
Value:   $240,620

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017012179 | Parcel: 058100c05900co
2017/02/22240620914525 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3069 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2262 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 402 sq. Ft and to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b including covered rear porch. Must comply with tree regulations one new two inch tree for every road frontage.
Date:  April 28, 2017
Value:   $254,814

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017022061 | Parcel: 058100c03400co
2017/04/28254814913069 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4524 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1842 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 382 sq. Ft and to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard.
Date:  February 22, 2017
Value:   $207,501

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017010543 | Parcel: 058100c03600co
2017/02/22207501914524 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4512 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2428 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 426 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Corner lot. Min front s b; min side street s b; 5 min interior side s b; min rear s b.
Date:  October 27, 2017
Value:   $273,514

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017068087 | Parcel: 058100c03000co
2017/10/27273514914512 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3068 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2348 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 429 sq. Ft and to provide landscaping and plan a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Must comply with tree regulations one new two inch tree for every road frontage.
Date:  June 12, 2017
Value:   $264,502

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2017038361 | Parcel: 058100c03100co
2017/06/12264502913068 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2812 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residential home of 2038 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 4 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 27, 2015
Value:   $216,109

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201512261 | Parcel: 058100b08600co
2015/04/27216109912812 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2805 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a 43 x 48 single family residence with 2101 sf living area, 381 sf attached garage and 111 sf porch area. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $222,149

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509078 | Parcel: 058100b08800co
2015/03/13222149912805 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4209 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 2008 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 532 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Need mpc critical lot approval site plan.
Date:  May 20, 2015
Value:   $217,892

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201518354 | Parcel: 062020b29100co
2015/05/20217892914209 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
4205 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
To construct a single family residence of 2084 square feet with an attached garage of 382 square feet. Need mpc approvl for critical lot. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Critical lot submitted to planning 2/5/16. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  March 10, 2016
Value:   $219,303

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201605244 | Parcel: 062020b29200co
2016/03/10219303914205 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
4252 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
To construct a single family residential home of 2082 square feet with an attached garage of 386 square feet and to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Need critical lot approval fro metro planning. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 5, 2015
Value:   $221,094

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201510271 | Parcel: 062020b27600co
2015/05/05221094914252 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
2809 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a x 59 single family residence with 2928 sf living area, 473 sf attached garage and 16 sf porch area. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $304,821

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509075 | Parcel: 058100b08700co
2015/03/13304821912809 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3029 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2084 square feet with an attached garage of 382 square feet. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Need critical lot approval from mpc. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  January 28, 2016
Value:   $218,441

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201603070 | Parcel: 058100b06800co
2016/01/28218441913029 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
90 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2406 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 378 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  August 17, 2015
Value:   $253,954

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201532469 | Parcel: 186040a40000co
2015/08/172539549190 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9023 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2178 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 402 sq. Ft min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/. And to plant a 2 tree and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  October 27, 2015
Value:   $232,558

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201544298 | Parcel: 186040a39100co
2015/10/27232558919023 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
4212 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
To construct a single family residential home of 20 square feet with an attached garage of 368 square feet and to provide a 2 tree win yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Need critical lot approval from metro planning. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  May 5, 2015
Value:   $217,525

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201510275 | Parcel: 062020b26600co
2015/05/05217525914212 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
4253 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
This is a critical lot... Mpc review/approval required prior to issuance of permit... To construct a single family residence with 2136 sq ft and 4 sq ft garage and 112 sq ft of porches & decks. Minimum 5 ft side setbacks, 20ft minimum front setback and minimum rear setback..... Must conform to all easements on property.....
Date:  July 11, 2016
Value:   $240,620

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 2016034455 | Parcel: 062020b28000co
2016/07/11240620914253 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
4256 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
To construct a single family residence of 20 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 3 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and to plant a 2 tree in yard. Critical site plan has been submitted for approval. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  November 25, 2015
Value:   $219,849

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201548979 | Parcel: 062020b27700co
2015/11/25219849914256 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
3025 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residential home of 1982 sq. Ft. With attached garage of 542 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Need critical lot approval. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 23, 2015
Value:   $215,608

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201513491 | Parcel: 058100b06900co
2015/04/23215608913025 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
9028 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2432 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 4 sq. Mi n front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. And to provide landscaping and plat a 2 tree in yard. Ft. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  December 17, 2015
Value:   $260,848

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201554518 | Parcel: 186040a39300co
2015/12/17260848919028 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9048 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2472 square feet with an attached garage of 414 square feet. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  April 21, 2016
Value:   $261,730

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201617484 | Parcel: 186040a39700co
2016/04/21261730919048 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
7604 Kemberton Dr E Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2406 square feet with an attached garage of 378 square feet. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  March 17, 2016
Value:   $254,217

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201610621 | Parcel: 186040a14700co
2016/03/17254217917604 Kemberton Dr E Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
3036 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a 41 x 46 single family residence with 2101 sf living area, 381 sf attached garage and 47 sf porch area. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  March 13, 2015
Value:   $220,950

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201509083 | Parcel: 058100b09200co
2015/03/13220950913036 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3041 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residential home of 2002 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 4 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 27, 2015
Value:   $211,833

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201512255 | Parcel: 058100b06500co
2015/04/27211833913041 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
508 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a 2,263 single family residential home with an attached garage of 396 square feet and to provide a two inch tree in the yard front per local code with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min s/b; min rear s/b.
Date:  December 30, 2014
Value:   $325,000

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201447136 | Parcel: 186040a36100co
2014/12/3032500091508 Wilcox Ct Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
2808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2184 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 398 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Value:   $231,122

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201535875 | Parcel: 058100b08500co
231122912808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2184 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 398 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Value:   $231,122

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201536033 | Parcel: 058100b08500co
231122912808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2184 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 398 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Value:   $231,122

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201535865 | Parcel: 058100b08500co
231122912808 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
2809 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a x 59 single family residence with 2928 sf living area, 473 sf attached garage and 16 sf porch area. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Value:   $304,821

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201509085 | Parcel: 058100b08700co
304821912809 Red Clover Ct Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3052 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 1858 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 406 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and to plant a 2 tree in yard.

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T2016065945 | Parcel: 058100c09600co
0913052 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3056 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2266 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 428 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard.

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T2016064770 | Parcel: 058100c09700co
0913056 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3061 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2692 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 433 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping and plant a 2 tree in yard.

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T2016064741 | Parcel: 058100c06000co
0913061 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3029 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2084 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 382 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Critical site plan submitted to metro. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Value:   $219,228

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201602139 | Parcel: 058100b06800co
219228913029 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
3025 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a 37 x 47 single family residence with 1654 sf living area, 542 sf attached garage and 74 sf porch area. Min front s/b; 5 min side s/b; 25 min rear s/b. Need critical lot approval from mpc. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Value:   $183,705

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201509069 | Parcel: 058100b06900co
183705913025 Carrington Pl Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc
4244 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214
To construct a single family residence of 2008 sq. Ft with attached garage of 532 sq. Ft and to provide landscaping and a 2 tree in yard. Min front s b; 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Need critical lot approval from mpc. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Value:   $196,684

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201517007 | Parcel: 062020b27400co
196684914244 Longfellow Dr Nashville, Tn 37214Celebration Homes Llc
9017 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2178 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 402 sq. Ft and to plant a 2 tree in yard and to provide landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Value:   $232,558

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201542643 | Parcel: 186040a08900co
232558919017 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9056 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2222 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 438 sq. Ft. And to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping.
Value:   $237,505

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201521981 | Parcel: 186040a39900co
237505919056 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9041 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
To construct a single family residence of 2246 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 438 sq. Ft. And to plant a 2 tree in yard with landscaping. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Value:   $242,853

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201544521 | Parcel: 186040a38600co
242853919041 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
9056 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property. To construct a single family residence of 2222 sq. Ft with an attached garage of 438 sq. Ft and to provide a 2 tree in yard with landscaping.
Value:   $237,992

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T201522753 | Parcel: 186040a39900co
237992919056 Macauley Ln Nolensville, Tn 37135Celebration Homes Llc
4513 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
To construct a single family residence of 2348 sq. Ft. With an attached garage of 426 sq. Ft. And to provide landscaping a plant a 2 tree in yard.

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: T2017066322 | Parcel: 058100c09800co
0914513 Queens Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Celebration Homes Llc

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