Building Permits at 7 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs and detached 18 sq ft parking garage for quality general engineering. Existing fence is fico but is to be removed or replaced. Also sea cargo container existing to be removed prior to final 18 sq ft detached parking garage, misc elec. For quality general engineering. 6-16-2014 testing power added good till 7-16-2014 vam
Date:  January 27, 2014
Value:   $73,823

Permit type: New commercial acc s | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2014-Comacc- | Parcel: 584-371-18-00
2014/01/2773823957 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs and detached 18 sq ft parking garage for quality general engineering. Existing fence is fico but is to be removed or replaced. Temp office trailer, to be removed prior to final, also sea cargo container existing to be removed prior to final 1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs, restrooms, misc epm 02 12 14 plan change add temp construction trailer see c of a... Vmd
Date:  January 27, 2014
Value:   $149,977

Permit type: New primary comm str | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2014-Compri- | Parcel: 584-371-18-00
2014/01/27149977957 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs and detached 18 sq ft parking garage for quality general engineering. Existing fence is fico but is to be removed or replaced. Also sea cargo container existing to be removed prior to final 1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs 18 sq ft detached parking garage for quality general engineering.
Date:  April 8, 2013
Value:   $223,800

Permit type: Commercial multi-bld | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2013-Cmaspc- | Parcel: 584-371-18-00
2013/04/08223800957 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
County standard retaining wall (level backfill) -- 1 long, 8 high max (replacing existing wall)
Date:  November 2, 2010
Value:   $28,968

Permit type: New residential acc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2010-1005-20 | Parcel: 584-371-18-00
2010/11/0228968957 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
H. R. A--emergency gasline repair for apartment complex, unit "a"
Date:  February 1, 2005

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1030-20 | Parcel: 584-371-44-00
2005/02/010987 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977My Plumber San Diego Llp
1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs and detached 18 sq ft parking garage for quality general engineering. Existing fence is fico but is to be removed or replaced. Also sea cargo container existing to be removed prior to final 18 sq ft detached parking garage, misc elec. For quality general engineering. 9 25 2015 plan change. Structural only. See c of a... Ss 6-16-2014 testing power added good till 7-16-2014 vam
Date:  January 27, 2014
Value:   $73,823

Permit type: Office, bank (doctor, attny, dentist) | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2014-Comacc- | Parcel: 5843711800
2014/01/2773823957 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs and detached 18 sq ft parking garage for quality general engineering. Existing fence is fico but is to be removed or replaced. Also sea cargo container existing to be removed prior to final 1352 sq ft office building w ac, fs 18 sq ft detached parking garage for quality general engineering. 9 25 2015 plan change. Structural only for pds2014-comacc-000007. See c of a... Ss
Date:  April 8, 2013
Value:   $223,800

Permit type: Office, bank (doctor, attny, dentist) | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2013-Cmaspc- | Parcel: 5843711800
2013/04/08223800957 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
Hra- water heater replacement for existing sfd
Date:  April 2, 2014

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Issued expired | Permit id: Pds2014-Resalt- | Parcel: 584-371-44-00
2014/04/020937 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977Air Temperature Specialists
2065 sqft 1-story prefab metal building for storage of construction materials equipment. 8 trash enclosure, 4 sf perimeter fence with entry (electric)at frontage (6 x 75) with 12 sf metal sign (non-illuminated). Also, "demo" remove fico sea cargo containers. "treadlight construction, inc"
Date:  June 16, 2017
Value:   $110,776

Permit type: Industrial bldgs | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Compri- | Parcel: 5843711800
2017/06/16110776957 Grand Ave, Spring Valley, Ca 91977

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