Building Permits at 306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NY

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
P. S. 173m provide 2 new incoming water services with meters, strainers, valves and backflow preventers. Provide a centralized rpz. Provide a new domestic water pump. Remove 3 of the 3 existing water services from the basement level out to the municipal water main in the street upon completion of installation of new services.
Date:  November 5, 2013
Value:   $140,000
Contractor: Hector Mena

Client: Michael Eitingon | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8197 | Client Company: Nyc School Construction Authorit | Permit id: 103645049
2013/11/0514000099306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyHector Mena
P. S. 173m provide all excavation, backfilling and reconstruction of street, sidewalks and lawns for removal and installation of new water services.
Date:  November 5, 2013
Value:   $221,500

Client: Michael Eitingon | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8197 | Client Company: Nyc School Construction Authorit | Permit type: Civil | Permit id: 103645049
2013/11/0522150089306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyP. Gerard Mcdonnell
Installation of fire suppression system as per plans filed herewith. There will be no change in use egress or occupancy
Date:  May 10, 2013
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Davidson Christmas

Client: Peter Martinez | Client Address: 1776 E Tremont Avenue Bronx Ny 10460 | Client Phone: (718) 828-6424 | Client Company: Master Fire Systems Inc | Permit id: 121615797
2013/05/104000100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyDavidson Christmas
Supplementation of existing dry standpipe system w additional location (basement, 1st - 5th floors) and cross connection to existing.
Date:  July 26, 2011
Value:   $45,000
Contractor: Jon Chu

Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8534 | Client Company: Nyc Sca | Permit id: 103887199
2011/07/2645000100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyJon Chu
Ps 173 m we will install 7 lf of sidewlk shed at ps 173 m . There will be no change in the use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  July 21, 2011
Contractor: Dominic Stiller

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc School Const Authority | Permit id: 103878635
2011/07/21099306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyDominic Stiller
Ps173 adding new fire alarm controls and associated wiring to the exist ng system. Adding new smoke detectors t o the existing system. New installatio to the existing elevator recall system with its associated wirings
Date:  April 10, 2001
Value:   $51,913
Contractor: Simon Cattan

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit id: 102129199
2001/04/105191399306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NySimon Cattan
Ps173 replacement of gas emergency generator w new diesel & gas piping i n kitchen to eliminate violations
Date:  December 17, 2012
Value:   $220,000
Contractor: William Flynn

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8948 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 102374119
2012/12/1722000097306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyWilliam Flynn
Ps-173m,to file application for existing pipe scaffold(application#103878617) on 2nd floor roof slab supporting 12 lbs betamax hoist in conjunction with on going dob job# 103887368 as shown on the plans. There will be no change in use, egress and occupancy under this condition.
Date:  March 10, 2010
Contractor: Siddique Nazrul

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc Sca | Permit id: 120263767
2010/03/10099306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NySiddique Nazrul
Date:  August 11, 2005
Contractor: Carl Balzofiore

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8948 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102374119
2005/08/110100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyCarl Balzofiore
Date:  September 16, 2009
Contractor: Ilya Brodsky

Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 103887368
2009/09/16098306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyIlya Brodsky
Date:  March 30, 2001

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102020661
2001/03/300100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyBenedetto Giambrone
Date:  July 11, 2000
Contractor: Thomas Bellini

Client: William Eilers | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8497 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101703738
2000/07/11096306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyThomas Bellini
Date:  July 30, 2009
Contractor: Stella Moniaros

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Ave L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc School Const Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 103878626
2009/07/30099306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyStella Moniaros
Date:  August 24, 2005

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8948 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102374119
2005/08/24098306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyChristopher Haschek
Date:  March 5, 2004
Contractor: Michael Zapakis

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102129055
2004/03/05059306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyMichael Zapakis
Date:  May 26, 1993
Contractor: Munir Ahmad

Client: Stan Petrow | Client Address: 30 Thompson Ave Long Island City Ny 10000 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: School Const. Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 100618128
1993/05/26096306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyMunir Ahmad
Date:  August 30, 1993
Contractor: Munir Ahmad

Client: Stan Petrow | Client Address: 30 Thompson Ave Long Island City Ny 10000 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: School Const. Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 100674352
1993/08/30096306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyMunir Ahmad
Date:  July 7, 1995
Contractor: Livaniel Zafra

Client: Stanley Petrow | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8105 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 100714657
1995/07/07088306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyLivaniel Zafra
Date:  June 29, 2011
Contractor: William Thompson

Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca / Doe | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103640268
2011/06/290100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyWilliam Thompson
Date:  July 7, 2000

Client: Ray Nami | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc Sca | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102684891
2000/07/070100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyConstantian Zaharia
Date:  August 24, 2005
Contractor: Irwin Streickler

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8948 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102374119
2005/08/240100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyIrwin Streickler
Date:  July 11, 2000
Contractor: Michael Moskowitz

Client: William Eilers | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8497 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 101703738
2000/07/11099306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyMichael Moskowitz
Date:  August 24, 2005
Contractor: Chris Haschek

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8948 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102374119
2005/08/24098306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyChris Haschek
Date:  August 11, 2005
Contractor: Carl Balzoriore

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8948 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102374119
2005/08/11059306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyCarl Balzoriore
Date:  August 12, 2009
Contractor: Jerry Dewaters

Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8534 | Client Company: Nyc Sca | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 103887199
2009/08/120100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyJerry Dewaters
Date:  December 4, 2000
Contractor: David Moskowitz

Client: Neron Holder | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102121231
2000/12/04097306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyDavid Moskowitz
Date:  August 24, 2005
Contractor: Irwin Streickler

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8948 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102374119
2005/08/240100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyIrwin Streickler
Date:  March 30, 2001

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102020661
2001/03/300100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyBenedetto Giambrone
Date:  March 30, 2001
Contractor: Peter Agliardo Jr

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102020661
2001/03/300100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyPeter Agliardo Jr
Date:  July 13, 1994
Contractor: Oliva Fussell

Client: Stanley Petrow | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8105 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 100535645
1994/07/13059306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyOliva Fussell
Date:  August 9, 1999

Client: Ray Nami | Client Address: 30 Thompson Street Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc Sca | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102575198
1999/08/090100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyConstantian Zaharia
Date:  April 9, 2010
Contractor: Joseph Bova

Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8534 | Client Company: Nyc Sca | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103889188
2010/04/090100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyJoseph Bova
Date:  March 5, 2004
Contractor: Richard Lesperance

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102129055
2004/03/05099306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyRichard Lesperance
Date:  August 6, 2009
Contractor: Kadir Barkol

Client: Gordon Tung | Client Address: 30 Thomson Ave L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc School Const Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 103878617
2009/08/06093306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyKadir Barkol
Date:  March 30, 2001

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102020661
2001/03/300100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyBenedetto Giambrone
Date:  August 12, 1998
Contractor: Constanin Zaharia

Client: Howard Kronland | Client Address: 30 Thompson Street L.I.C Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8082 | Client Company: Nyc Cshool Construction Auth. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 101927373
1998/08/120100306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyConstanin Zaharia
Date:  March 30, 2001
Contractor: Enedetto Giambrone

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 102020661
2001/03/30090306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyEnedetto Giambrone
Date:  February 5, 2001
Contractor: Stephen Kleinberg

Client: Harvey Brind | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 102037369
2001/02/05059306 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan NyStephen Kleinberg

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