Building Permits at 11892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, WA 98052

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - 425-889-9345 - gas pipe only to cooktop & fireplace - customer paid for:(2) gas piping only/ (1) gas water heater/ (1) heating equipment including ductwork/ (9) vent fans
Date:  August 3, 2016
Value:   $4,000

Applicant: Christy Astle | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-06613 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/08/0340009511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - family room - bruce 360-708-6935 - customer paid for:(1) gas logs insert
Date:  August 4, 2016
Value:   $899

Applicant: John Waterstraat | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-06581 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/08/048999511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - greystone east - lot 96 - danny cantu 206-450-3583 - temp; ufer; new 2 amp sfr; low volt customer paid for:(1) low voltage/ (1) temporary service/ (1) service - new/ (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  May 4, 2016
Value:   $9,999
Contractor: Chelsie Perez

Applicant: Chelsie Perez | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03770 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/0499997911892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Chelsie Perez
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3/605 sq ft of dwelling area/ 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4/265 sq ft.
Date:  May 9, 2016
Value:   $435,994

Applicant: Monika Konrad | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-03211 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/094359949511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Greystone prd - phase iii east - lot 96 - install new/ wet/ single-riser/38-head automatic fire sprinkler system. This is a passive purge system with at least one outlet on each floor for the plumber to connect with a toilet and other cold water fixtures. Design is according to nfpa 13d.
Date:  July 13, 2016

Applicant: Anthony Baldonado | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - residential | Permit id: Fire-2016-05498 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/07/1309511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3/605 sq ft of dwelling area/ 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4/265 sq ft.
Date:  May 17, 2016
Contractor: Kevin Hager

Applicant: Monika Konrad | Permit type: Side sewer | Permit id: Swr-2016-04045 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/1708911892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Kevin Hager
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3/605 sq ft of dwelling area/ 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4/265 sq ft.
Date:  May 17, 2016

Applicant: General Contact Info | Permit type: Water meter | Permit id: Wtr-2016-04044 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/1709511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - (1) kitchen sink/ (1) dishwasher/ (1) garbage disposal/ (1) clothes washer/ (7) bathroom sink/ (5) toilet/ (2) bathtubs/ (3) shower/valve replacement/ (1) laundry tray & utility sink/ (2) hose bibs/ (1) water service
Date:  June 9, 2016
Value:   $7,550

Applicant: Arianne Affleck | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-05026 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/06/0975509511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3/605 sq ft of dwelling area/ 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4/265 sq ft.
Date:  May 9, 2016
Value:   $435,994

2016/05/094359949511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - greystone east - lot 96 - danny cantu 206-450-3583 - temp; ufer; new 2 amp sfr; low volt customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) temporary service (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  May 4, 2016
Value:   $9,999

Applicant: Chelsie Perez | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03770 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/0499999511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Provident Electric Inc
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3 605 sq ft of dwelling area 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4 265 sq ft.
Date:  May 9, 2016
Value:   $435,994

Applicant: Monika Konrad | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-03211 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/094359948211892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Greystone Builders Llc
Greystone prd - phase iii east - lot 96 - install new wet single-riser 38-head automatic fire sprinkler system. This is a passive purge system with at least one outlet on each floor for the plumber to connect with a toilet and other cold water fixtures. Design is according to nfpa 13d.
Date:  July 13, 2016

Applicant: Anthony Baldonado | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - residential | Permit id: Fire-2016-05498 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/07/13010011892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Moore Fire Protection
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3 605 sq ft of dwelling area 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4 265 sq ft.
Date:  May 17, 2016

Applicant: General Contact Info | Permit type: Water meter | Permit id: Wtr-2016-04044 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/1709511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3 605 sq ft of dwelling area 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4 265 sq ft.
Date:  May 17, 2016
Contractor: Builders Supply

Applicant: Monika Konrad | Permit type: Side sewer | Permit id: Swr-2016-04045 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/05/1709511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Builders Supply
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (5) toilet (2) bathtubs (3) shower valve replacement (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  June 9, 2016
Value:   $7,550

Applicant: Arianne Affleck | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-05026 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/06/0975509311892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Peltram Plumbing Inc
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - 425-889-9345 - gas pipe only to cooktop & fireplace - customer paid for:(2) gas piping only (1) gas water heater (1) heating equipment including ductwork (9) vent fans
Date:  August 3, 2016
Value:   $4,000

Applicant: Christy Astle | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-06613 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/08/0340008611892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Bobs Heating And Air Conditioning Llc
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - family room - bruce 360-708-6935 - customer paid for:(1) gas logs insert
Date:  August 4, 2016
Value:   $899

Applicant: John Waterstraat | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-06581 | Parcel: 2937400050
2016/08/048998911892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Fireside Home Solutions
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3 605 sq ft of dwelling area 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4 265 sq ft.
Date:  May 9, 2016
Value:   $435,994

2016/05/094359948211892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Greystone Builders Llc
Sopa - greystone east - lot 96 - danny cantu 206-450-3583 - temp; ufer; new 2 amp sfr; low volt customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) temporary service (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  May 4, 2016
Value:   $9,999

Applicant: Chelsie Perez | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03770
2016/05/0499999511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Provident Electric Inc
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3 605 sq ft of dwelling area 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4 265 sq ft.
Date:  May 9, 2016
Value:   $435,994

Applicant: Monika Konrad | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-03211
2016/05/094359948211892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Greystone Builders Llc
Greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - plan#4010a - new construction of a 2 story garage left fire sprinkled single family residence. Includes 3 605 sq ft of dwelling area 579 sq ft of garage and 81 sq ft of covered entry porch. Total area of construction = 4 265 sq ft.
Date:  May 17, 2016
Contractor: Builders Supply

Applicant: Monika Konrad | Permit type: Side sewer | Permit id: Swr-2016-04045
2016/05/1709511892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Builders Supply
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (5) toilet (2) bathtubs (3) shower valve replacement (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  June 9, 2016
Value:   $7,550

Applicant: Arianne Affleck | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-05026
2016/06/0975509311892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Peltram Plumbing Inc
Greystone prd - phase iii east - lot 96 - install new wet single-riser 38-head automatic fire sprinkler system. This is a passive purge system with at least one outlet on each floor for the plumber to connect with a toilet and other cold water fixtures. Design is according to nfpa 13d.
Date:  July 13, 2016

Applicant: Anthony Baldonado | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - residential | Permit id: Fire-2016-05498
2016/07/13010011892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Moore Fire Protection
Sopa - greystone prd phase iii east - lot 96 - family room - bruce 360-708-6935 - customer paid for:(1) gas logs insert
Date:  August 4, 2016
Value:   $899

Applicant: John Waterstraat | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-06581
2016/08/048998911892 162nd Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Fireside Home Solutions

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