Building Permits at 11712 Ocean Promenade Queens NY

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Installation of temporary sidewalk shed as per plans. Work shall comply with 2014 building code chapter 33. No change in use egress or occupancy.
Date:  August 17, 2015
Contractor: Karol Zdancewicz

Client: Issac Adler | Client Address: 146 Spencer Street Brooklyn Ny 11205 | Client Phone: (347) 227-4450 | Client Company: Silver Cup Scaffolding 1 Llc | Permit id: 421203851
2015/08/1709411712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyKarol Zdancewicz
Proposed installation of pipe scaffold for remedial repairs as per plans. No change in use occupancy or egress under this application.
Date:  June 4, 2016
Contractor: Brian Oconnor

Client: Mohammad Abdullaht | Client Address: 8666 18th Ave Brooklyn Ny 11214 | Client Phone: (718) 333-0156 | Client Company: Atco Restoration Inc | Permit id: 440315874
2016/06/0409711712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyBrian Oconnor
Installing a gas-fired generator on new steel dunnage on the roof. Related plum bing on the roof and in the garage(osp). No change in use, egress, and occupan cy. Proposed generator will only power telecommunication on the first floor
Date:  February 17, 2010
Value:   $18,000
Contractor: Antonio Gualtieri

Client: David Lebowitz | Client Address: 1531 1531 57 Th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 410235598
2010/02/171800010011712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyAntonio Gualtieri
Installation of sidewalk shed (80) lf. N o change to use egress or occup ncy. Shed to comply with ll 33 91 no mat erial on shed. This application has bee filed in conjuction with 401704651. Hea vy duty shed
Date:  October 29, 2003
Contractor: William Krkuti

Client: David Leibowitz | Client Address: 117-12 117-12 Ocean Promenade Queens Ny 11694 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Ocean Management | Permit id: 401731827
2003/10/29010011712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyWilliam Krkuti
Permanent closure of underground storage tank and installation of 50 gallon above ground storage tank. No change in egress, occupancy or use under this application.
Date:  May 22, 2007
Value:   $44,500
Contractor: Neal Rudikoff, P.E

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: P.O. Box P.O. Box 040-313, Parkville Brooklyn Ny 11204 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apats Corp. | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 402533282
2007/05/22445009911712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyNeal Rudikoff, P.E
Erect a total of linear feet of heavy duty sidewalk shed at 117-12 ocean promenade. - during remedial repairs. Work to comply with ll33 91 and bsa-351-74-sm. - no change in use, egress or occupancy filed on this job.
Date:  May 23, 2013
Contractor: John Hulme

Client: Babad Chaim | Client Address: 1531 1531 57th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt Corp. | Permit id: 402550477
2013/05/2309711712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyJohn Hulme
Installation of a plastic chute high on the existing sidewalk shed bis # 402550477 during remedial repairs. No change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  December 19, 2007
Contractor: Ann Hickey

Client: Babad Chaim | Client Address: 1531 1531 57 Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt Corp. | Permit id: 402599318
2007/12/1909911712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyAnn Hickey
Erect pipe scaffold as per plan at 117-12 ocean promenade. During remedial repairs, work shall comply with ll 33 98. No change in use, egress or occupanc y.
Date:  March 16, 2011
Contractor: John Hulme

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: 1531 1531 57 Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: West Houston Street Owners Corp. | Permit id: 402550226
2011/03/1609711712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyJohn Hulme
Parapet repair, parapet replacement, lintel replacement, and masonryrepa ir. No change to use, egress , or occupancy
Date:  March 15, 2010
Value:   $142,000
Contractor: Thomas Stetz

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: 1531 1531 57th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hamton Harbor Apartment Corp. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 402538152
2010/03/151420009811712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyThomas Stetz
Remove,replace and add telecommunication antennas on the existing rooftop. Install an equipment cabinet within existing equipment room. All work is in compliance with tppn 5 98. No change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  February 6, 2014
Value:   $19,400
Contractor: Glenn Scherer

Client: David Lebowitz | Client Address: 1531 1531 57th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apartments | Permit type: Antenna | Permit id: 420917565
2014/02/061940010011712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyGlenn Scherer
Replace rusted steel on edge of 4 balcon ies.
Date:  October 29, 2003
Value:   $25,000
Contractor: Patrick Oconnell

Client: David Leibowitz | Client Address: 117-12 117-12 Ocean Promenade Queens Ny 11694 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Ocean Management | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 401704651
2003/10/292500010011712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyPatrick Oconnell
Date:  March 2, 2007
Contractor: Christopher Downes

Client: Babad Chaim | Client Address: 1531 57th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt Corp. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 402550477
2007/03/0209511712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyChristopher Downes
Date:  October 29, 2003
Contractor: William Kirkuti

Client: David Leibowitz | Client Address: 117-12 Ocean Promenade Queens Ny 11694 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Ocean Management | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401731827
2003/10/2906111712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyWilliam Kirkuti
Date:  April 9, 2009
Contractor: John Lee

Client: David Lebowitz | Client Address: 1531 57 Th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410235598
2009/04/0909911712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyJohn Lee
Date:  March 2, 2007
Contractor: Christopher Dowes

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: 1531 57 Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: West Houston Street Owners Corp. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 402550226
2007/03/0208611712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyChristopher Dowes
Date:  February 1, 2007
Contractor: Irving Bauer

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: P.O. Box 040-313, Parkville Brooklyn Ny 11204 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apats Corp. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 402533282
2007/02/01010011712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyIrving Bauer
Date:  June 13, 2007
Contractor: Khalid Larif

Client: Babad Chaim | Client Address: 1531 57 Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt Corp. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 402599318
2007/06/1306111712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyKhalid Larif
Date:  December 4, 1991
Contractor: Vincent Albano

Client: Chaim Babbad | Client Address: P.O.Box 313 Brooklyn Ny 11204 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt. Owners Corp | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 400225699
1991/12/04010011712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyVincent Albano
Date:  May 3, 2007
Contractor: Khalid Latif

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: 1531 57th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hamton Harbor Apartment Corp. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 402538152
2007/05/0309811712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyKhalid Latif
Date:  April 25, 2006
Contractor: Michael Allen

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: 1531 57th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hamptob Harbor Apartments Corp. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 402320831
2006/04/2509711712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyMichael Allen
Date:  January 16, 1996
Contractor: John Curley

Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 400601666
1996/01/1609811712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyJohn Curley
Date:  May 3, 2007
Contractor: Khalid Latif

Client: Chaim Babad | Client Address: 1531 57th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hamton Harbor Apartment Corp. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 402538152
2007/05/0309811712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyKhalid Latif
Date:  July 11, 2012
Contractor: Jason Zanoni

Client: David Lebowitz | Client Address: 1531 57 St Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apartment | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420583862
2012/07/11010011712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyJason Zanoni
Date:  June 19, 2009
Contractor: Misael Morales

Client: David Lebowitz | Client Address: 1531 57 Th Street Brooklyn Ny 11219 | Client Phone: (718) 633-7586 | Client Company: Hampton Harbor Apt | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410235598
2009/06/1909911712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyMisael Morales
Date:  January 30, 1996
Contractor: Greg Reinholz

Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 400601666
1996/01/3009311712 Ocean Promenade Queens NyGreg Reinholz

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